


One Repetition Max: The maximum amount of weight that can be lifted once for a given exercise.


As Many Rounds/Reps As Possible: Completing as many repetitions or rounds of exercises as possible within a specified time frame.

Accessory Lifts

Exercises that support the development and strength of major lifts, aiding in overall progress and injury prevention.

Active Recovery

Engaging in low-intensity activities post-workout to aid recovery without contributing to fatigue.

Aerobic Exercise

Workouts that primarily utilise the aerobic energy system, characterised by long, steady-state exercises like running or cycling.

Anaerobic Exercise

High-intensity exercises that utilise anaerobic energy systems, such as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprinting.


A sport and training style focused on maximising muscle mass and showcasing physique through stage presentations.


Bodyweight exercises, often gymnastics-based, that can be performed with minimal to no equipment.


Cardiovascular Training: Exercises that enhance the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, often involving sustained activities like running or cycling.


A series of exercises performed one after another, often used for cardiovascular training or muscle endurance.

Clean and Jerk

A two-phase weightlifting exercise where the barbell is lifted to the shoulders (clean) and then lifted overhead (jerk).

Compound Movement

Exercises that engage multiple joints and muscle groups simultaneously, such as squats or deadlifts.


Training aimed at improving physical fitness and performance, often through cardiovascular exercises.


Muscles surrounding and stabilising the spine, pelvis, and hips, crucial for stability and force generation during exercises.


Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness: Muscle pain that occurs 24-72 hours post-exercise, indicating recovery and adaptation.


Lifting a weight from the floor to a standing position, primarily utilising the muscles around the hips and back.

Drop Set

A technique where the weight is reduced and the exercise is continued to failure, often used in hypertrophy training.

Dynamic Stretching

Engaging muscles through their full range of motion to prepare them for exercise.


Every Minute on the Minute: A workout structure where specific exercises or sets are performed at the start of every minute.


The process of increasing muscle size, often through resistance training and nutritional strategies.

Interval Training

Workouts that alternate between periods of high-intensity work and rest or lower-intensity periods.


Exercises where the muscle is under tension without significant movement, such as holding a plank.


Low-Intensity Steady State: Cardiovascular exercise performed at a consistent, lower intensity, such as a steady-paced walk.


The ability to move muscles and joints through their full range of motion, essential for exercise performance and injury prevention.


Exercises that involve rapid contraction and extension of muscles, such as jump training, to increase power.


A strength sport focusing on maximising weight lifted in three key exercises: the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Progressive Overload

Gradually increasing the intensity and/or volume of exercise to ensure continuous progress and adaptation.


Performing two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between, often targeting different muscle groups.


Preliminary exercises or practices to enhance readiness for the main workout, often involving light exercises and stretches.

Z Press

A seated overhead press exercise, often performed with a barbell, focusing on upper body strength and stability.